Saturday, August 8, 2009

Why Health Reform is Imperative

I thought of asking simple questions concerning health reforms which as you know is necessary. The current campaign to stop these reforms is evil! It is a shame that the United States despite being so rich is the only country in the first world that does not provide health care to all its citizens. Unfortunately, many Americans do not know that.

It has now become fashionable to call those who are advocating for health reforms as socialists. Those who are still opposed to the election of Obama have taken this chance to call him all sorts of names, among them Hitler! They have called him Nazi! Yet these people are ignoring the fact that every American is entitled to health care!

For so many years, people have complained about insurance companies cutting health benefits for patients and the ever increasing premiums! We have watched with pain our beloved ones die due to lack of insurance! We have seen young people denied care because they can harldy afford! Others have been denied insurance because of pre-existing conditions.

How come these companies can claim to be advocating for patient rights? Is the world changing? How on earth can insurance companies continue to spend more than 1.4 million dollars a day on stopping health reform? Or since when did health insurance companies that have continued to pocket billions of dollars become advocates for patient rights? And when are we going to stand up to these companies? In short, whom are they fooling? Please stand and be counted! Health reforms are necessary and Obama is right!!