Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Life is Uncertain

Life is uncertain

Especially for An African Woman

Belittled, beaten and butchered,

Taken as nothing but property

With no education, no employment

She hardly runs away

Longing for the running brooks

The brooks she never finds.

Rocked in hunger, poverty, and death

Her society blames her

Nobody trusts her

Sorrow is all she knows

As she tries to feed her child

Like nature she longs

Running brooks

She desires

That never comes.

Where shall I go?

She asks

Give us our daily bread

Awaitin' just enough to feed

She sleeps without food

Only to awaken the dawn

For daily bread

She longs

Like a thirsty deer longs!

My body is food

My blood is drink

She receives with determination

Amidst her hopelessness and gloom

Longing for death

Not running waters anymore

Thus She understands

Life is uncertain

Death is certain

Happy are those who have trodden

For soon or later

All shall all join

In longing for brooks

That weaves her vision to yours!

Dedicated to Doro-phie

My beloved sister whose death, I will always seek to honor.

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